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Our Team Members
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Big Ol' Thanks

We just want to thank who ever ding dong ditched the dough at Linda's house on Sunday! None of this would be possible with out our awesome and supportive friends. You may no be able to physically log the miles with us right now, but know that it's people like you who push us on! Also, thank you to everyone who supported our car wash on Saturday, rain and all.


  1. Thank you! Thank you...whoever you are:)

  2. Ah man, those two took what I was going to say! Thank you for your generous donation. The financial support is much appreciated but so is knowing the physical support is there as well. Thank you for supporting a bunch of goof balls that have nothing better to do than get up at "o' too early" and run! Much Thanks!!!

  3. Ditto from the old lady in the bunch. To our faithful followers/supporters, you have no idea how much your support means to us. We love your encouraging words and friendly salutations! Thank you for being who you are, we love you!
