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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Its raining pennies and pop cans!!

It seems like no matter where I have gone this week, I have found a penny...even found one in the grass at the park today!! We are a whole 4 pennies richer ladies!!! Also I went to class this morning and Lois, a lady in my class, was walking out and told me the class was cancelled. I started telling her about how I hurried to get ready so I could pick up some bags of cans from Bob...(it was 5 bags full by the way) and make it to class in time... to make a long story short ....Lois said she had 3 bags with her and donated them to the Shiny Pennies fund!! I was so excited! 8 bags full of cans today! Now who is going to turn them in??? Pennies and pop cans are pouring in! Lets keep it up!


  1. Good job Stephanie!
    Do you need me to come pick some up? It would be good to get these turned in before Saturday,
    don't you think?

  2. I would love it if you picked them up or I can drop them by your house...just let me know where you want them and I can swing by in the morning...Thanks!

  3. You can just put them by the downstairs door Stephanie. You can pile them as high as you need, it won't hurt to block the door. That would be great! Thanks for all your hard work.
