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Our Team Members
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

We live in the greatest community

We were out on an early morning run this morning and on our way back to the hospital who should we run into but Rocky, the car wash man. He was waiting on the corner outside his coffee shop and as I came running up he pointed to the sidewalk and said "here's a shiny pennny". He had put a $5 bill on the side walk to donate to Team Shiny Penny Syndrome! So, when you go get your car washed, make sure and tell who ever is working that you are part of the team and to tell Rocky thank you! That was not a donation from the car wash but from him personally.
A big YAHOO to Rocky! We are so lucky to live where we do.


  1. makes my penny seem insignificant however, every little penny gets us closer so it's alright besides you deserve that $5! Keep runnin' BuffGranny!!!

  2. Thanks Shiny Shelli! I will run as long as my body lets me. My goal is to run a 5K when I'm 95, will you join me?

  3. You need a picture to add to this post of Rocky and his car wash.
